KAMIKA Instruments is small, but high-tech Polish producer with great experience in laboratory measurements sector.


Based on 50-years experience and 30-years market presence we have designed wide range of original measuring systems.


We offer optical-electronic instruments for measurement of: 

  • materials’ granulation, measured in the air or in the water
  • specific surface and graining according to sieve analysis 
  • solid pollution in the water and in the air
  • spraying drops of liquid and aerosol 
  • grain – size distribution of emulsion


Our measuring system can be used for:

  • controlling of industrial processes and their optimisation
  • doing the laboratory research for scientific purpose
  • measuring of cleanness of water and infusions 
  • measuring of cleanness of the air in “clean rooms” and in the airborne near industrial objects, highways and other controlled areas.  
  • emission monitoring (PM 10 and PM 2,5 content) 
  • determining the graining curve of  minerals


Thanks to our unique measuring method our systems provide:

  • full simulation of traditional sieve analysis
  • three dimensional (3D) particles’ shape measurement, even for submicron particles
  • wide measuring range: from 0,2 µm to 120 mm


Instruments thanks to their reliability have been proven both in industry, as well as in scientific research. 


Before establishing the company its founder worked in the aircraft industry, where performed work directly related to the measuing equipement.


KAMIKA Instruments offers it's customers laboratory aparature for measuring solid contaminants in water and air, granulated bulk materials, specific surface area and particle size by sieve analysis and a spray of liquid droplets and aerosol.


Measuring systems with software and user-friendly control system, changed the quality of work control and method of research in many companies and institutes in Poland and abroad.


Systems, both powerful and easy to use,  enable rapid and current control of industrial processes, as well increase in the efficiency of laboratories.


KAMIKA Instruments Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Spółka komandytowa


ul. Strawczyńska 16
ul. A. Kocjana 15
01-473 Warszawa

+48 (22) 666 85 68
+48 (22) 666 93 32


All the letters and packages should be adressed to: 

KAMIKA Instruments

Kocjana 15 
01-473 Warszawa


Legal basis of our operations:


Entered into the register of entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Economic Department of the National Court Register.



KAMIKA Instruments Spółka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnością Spółka komandytowa data:


NIP - Taxpayer’s Identification Number (VAT): PL5222595054

REGON - National Official Business Register  017240449

KRS - number in the National Court Register: 0000683987



mBank S.A.
PLN account number:  
27 1140 2004 0000 3602 3463 5890


EUR account number:  
PL25 1140 2004 0000 3512 0511 9229



About us

measuring range

KAMIKA Instruments


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Infoline: +48 22 666 93 32

KAMIKA Instruments


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Our instruments presented accoriding to measurement type and range.


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Quality confirmed by ISO 9001 cert.



measuring range: 1 - 30 mm 


Mini 3D

measuring range: 0,5-3500 µm

Mini 3D

measuring range: 0,5-3500 µm


measuring range: 0,5-3500 µm


measuring range: 0,4 - 300 µm 



For particles up to 2 mm


measuring range: 0,4 - 300 µm 


measuring range: 50 - 4000 µm 


measuring range: 1 - 130 mm 


measuring range: 0,4 - 300 µm 

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